What is Creepypasta

3 min readAug 4, 2021

Why Do Humans Love a Good Story?

Humans love a good story because it has a powerful sense of escapism. It allows us to get lost in a fiction world, where nothing is ever as real as it seems.

This is why we fall for the story of Cinderella and the ugly duckling, because it allows us to escape our own lives and go on an adventure that can only happen in a fairy tale.

We love stories because they provide answers to our basic human needs: belonging, purpose, and connection.

What the hell Is a Creepypasta?

Creepypastas are stories that are shared via online forums like Reddit and 4chan. They usually follow a horror or suspense theme, have a dark storytelling style and are generally very disturbing.

The term was first coined by fans on the popular website Creepypasta.com, which is a horror-themed website that features scary stories uploaded by users of the internet. As such, it’s part of what is sometimes called “the internet folklore genre.”

Creepy pastas typically take place in a contemporary setting with modern characters and use technology such as cell phones to add an element of suspense or terror to their story. Some pasta tell the story of an average person who will get caught up in something strange happening to them or someone they know while others talk about the protagonist getting sucked into some kind

What is the History of Creepypasta

